Project Meta

  • canceled project Get social media about and Weibo.
  • query-table: false #+BEGIN_QUERY {:title [:h3 “Tasks related to Get social media”] :query [:find (pull ?b [*]) :in $ ?current-page :where [?p :block/name ?current-page] [?b :block/marker ?marker] [?p :block/alias ?al] (or [?b :block/refs ?p] [?b :block/refs ?al]) (or [(= “NOW” ?marker)] [(= “DOING” ?marker)] [(= “WAITING” ?marker)] [(= “LATER” ?marker)] ) (not [?b :block/page ?p]) ] :inputs [:current-page] :result-transform (fn [result] (sort-by (fn [b] (get b :block/priority “Z”)) result)) :breadcrumb-show? false :table-view? false } #+END_QUERY
  • query-table: false #+BEGIN_QUERY {:title [:h3 “Checklist”] :query (and (todo todo) (page Get social media)) :result-transform (fn [result] (sort-by (fn [b] (get b :block/priority “Z”)) result)) :breadcrumb-show? false :table-view? false } #+END_QUERY



    echo %cd%
    # Dropped to shortcut
    # Dropped to source file
- 总结起来就是,拖到文件上执行的时候,目录会切到脚本所在的目录,而执行源文件的时候不会。
  - 切到脚本所在的目录就会让整个脚本的路径映射正确;
  - 但是如果直接托在源文件,不更改目录的话,文件映射失败,执行错误;
- > First, %~dp0 can only be used in bat file while %CD% can be used on command line.
  Second, for %CD%, the **current directory** means the directory when executing the command line or the batch file. For %~dp0, the __current directory__ is the directory where the bat file resides
  — [The difference between %CD% and %~dp0](
  • wait Use JS/TS rewrite the scripts and build it in web application online.


Design Notes

Description / Highlights


    - a tweet link


    - get a tweet content
  - Do not complete your operation, make other tools to make yourself flow. In case, don't paste in your browser and copy tweet again. Write a tool guys.
    #thought #flow


  - ~~[Give Up] Offical~~
    - The twitter web used the graph SQL. Seem like leetcode, and I don't know how to imitate it.
    - Target repo via [jalalazimi/tweet-fetch: Get Tweet with related data by URL from Twitter in NodeJS](
    - Refs
      - [Twitter Developers](
      - [Tweepy Documentation — tweepy 4.12.1 documentation](
      - [How to get Tweets using Python and Twitter API](
      - [Use Twitter's API and a Few Command Line Tools to Pick a Random Reply from a Tweet - YouTube](
  - [x] #todo  `[404: This page could not be found](`)  
          import requests
          import re
          base_url = ''
          f = open ('input')
          line = f.readline()
              split_line = line.split('/')
              url = base_url + '/' + split_line[5]
              url = re.sub(" ", "", url)
              res = requests.get(url, headers={
                  'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate',
                  'Accept': '*/*',
                  'Connection': 'keep-alive',
                  'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/94.0.4606.71 Safari/537.36 Edg/94.0.992.38',
              output = open('export', 'a')
              tweet = res['text']
              tweet = re.sub("\n", "\n  ", tweet)
              output.write('- ' + tweet + '\n  by ' + res['name'] + \
                          ' at '+ res['created_at'] +'with likes ' + \
                          str(res['like_count']) + ' & retweet ' + \
                          str(res['retweet_count']) + ' & reply_count '+ \
                          str(res['reply_count']) + 'via: [twitter](' + \
                          res['username'] + '/status/' + res['id'] + ');\n')
              if 'media' in res and 'url' in res['media'][0]:
                  for media in res['media']:
                      output.write('  ![]('+ media['url']+')')
              output = open('output', 'a')
              line = f.readline()
          if ([0].type == "photo"){}
          if (([0].type == "animated_gif") || ([0].type == "video")){}
          url : `${BASE_URL}/${TWEET_ID}/video`
      via: [twitter-direct-url/index.js at main · victorsouzaleal/twitter-direct-url · GitHub](
  - [ ] #todo **Build a Repo like the above api**, run with Github-Action and your token.  
    - Github Action + Tweet + Readme
    - **Example**
            GET [404: This page could not be found](
            {"id":"1604623830189838337","text":"As a company from eastern Germany, we know that building a wall to try and keep people from leaving isn't a good idea.","created_at":"2022-12-18T23:45:08.000Z","like_count":51467,"retweet_count":13773,"reply_count":551,"urls":[{"start":119,"end":142,"url":"","expanded_url":"","display_url":"…"}],"name":"Mastodon (@[email protected])","username":"joinmastodon","profile_image_url":"","verified":false,"users":[{"profile_image_url":"","username":"joinmastodon","id":"875882643614814208","verified":false,"name":"Mastodon (@[email protected])"}]}
    - Search `twitter API`, there is a lot of libraries, so see that next time.
  - [x] #todo  [[html5]] to [[markdown]]  
    - [How to Convert HTML to Markdown in Python? - GeeksforGeeks](
    - [markdownify · PyPI](]
  - 好像 Python `re.sub` 无法使用定界符,以下代码不生效
          post_content = re.sub(r'\n\n', '\n', md(res['content']))
  - [file - What is the perfect counterpart in Python for "while not EOF" - Stack Overflow](]
