Okey, I know it’s ridiculous and hard to say: I give up logseq.

I’ve used it 3 years, and make 1400 pages. Honestly, I’m not a good one using it, especially in earlier version, they released very fast, I even don’t know when they add the support of markdown YAML properties.1

Fatal Problem: hard to build a huge system

What part of logseq annoy me following:

The performance never comes to usable in a large context.

Outline render

Historical baggage

As I said above, features applied again and again, which break the the whole construction of PKM as well. That means, the downward compatibility of system is impossible and difficult.

I need to break my PKM three times, and finally I give up it. Since enabled telegram inbox + telegram RSS bot, I was fell into the hell of poor performance.

In a word, it’s wasting time and no worth any more.

Hard to share & read with raw format

The active user on community I know is xxx, which shared opinions via LOGSEQ format.

How to comment? I agree this is a simple and awesome way. But it’s really hard to read and understand as well.

Database version

Now official has announced,2 and alpha test has started. The double preview way is available following:

I meet some imported problem, such as excludelist config on config.edn would not ignore when imported, no uuid found for page name nil.

When I delete the pdf annotations, and imported most of them, I was so excited to try reviewing notes on database version. I sadly notice:

  • Query is slower then MV.
  • Page is easier to be stuck then MV.
    • Breaking up browser and need to be relaunched.
  • Editing block is so difficult as same as MV.

Compared to MV, database is not solving any problems on performance. And you are losing the support of template, schedule, sync local pure markdown file (cooperated with other tools base on pure text), and desktop plugins support.

They really have a very very long way to reach. I have no time to wait them.

Switch obsidian Notes

Replace all properties :: with yaml format

replace yaml to :: is easy. But using regex to replace :: to yaml is a hard thing.

But there is something worth to try

-Org-mode syntax
#\+BEGIN_PIN\n([ ]+)
#\+BEGIN_PINNED\n([ ]*)
#\+BEGIN_PIN\n([ ]+)
#\+BEGIN_EXAMPLE\n([ ]+)
#\+BEGIN_NOTE\n([ ]+)
#\+BEGIN_WARNING\n([ ]+)
- no used property
[ ]*closed: .*\n
- shadule time
^\s*\* State "DONE" from "WAIT".*$\
[ ]+:LOGBOOK:[\n]+[ ]+:END:\n([ ]+)
[ ]+:LOGBOOK:\n[ ]*:END:\n([ ]+)
- no use break line
\n---\n[^\n ]
- attachments
! \[(.*)\]\(\.\./assets
- properties
([ ]*)- title: \[(.*?)\]\((.*)\)
$1- title: $2\n$1  source: $3
<div class='text-center'>via: <a href='(.*?)' target='_blank' class='external-link'>(.*?)</a></div>
<center>via: <a href='$1' target='_blank' class='external-link'>$1</a></center>


Date format shown

Properties: let the user customize the way Dates/Times are displayed (independently from OS) - Feature requests - Obsidian Forum

Value cannot be a image

That not impossible with ![]() as value. Yet use link and format it on dataview query.



Web Cliper template


Chinese Tools

Turn to page



Web parser



Miss macros

PDF annotations


Image size

/* via: https://forum.obsidian.md/t/resize-image/6517/17
.markdown-preview-view img[alt="sm"] {
  width: max(300px,30%);
.markdown-preview-view img[alt="md"] {
  width: max(500px,50%);
.markdown-preview-view img[alt="lg"] {
  width: max(1080px,70%);



Some video cannot be iframed. That would be unavailable. If iframe the whole page, the video will be played automatically. via: https://forum.obsidian.md/t/youtube-video-unavailable/61107 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44839312/disable-auto-play-in-youtube-embeded-code

Code block with no wrap

Full width cssclasses

 * via: https://forum.obsidian.md/t/optional-full-width-note-css/15444/19
.wide-view {
    --custom-line-width: 100%; /* <- change this */
    --file-line-width: var(--custom-line-width);
body.minimal-theme.minimal-theme .wide-view {
    --line-width: var(--custom-line-width);
    --max-width: 95%;


Exclude some folder

-path: foldername

More Query

Embed files

Only support local embed 3


Not support http embed.




  1. in earlier version, they released fast, I used to learn feature via changelog. the hierachy is using via twitter, the macros via community discuss. and even someone analyze the logic of language, break it into pieces, and try explain it with Logseq.

  2. Why the database version and how it’s going? - Announcements - Logseq

  3. https://help.obsidian.md/Linking+notes+and+files/Embed+files